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  7. Obvious – Laundry Flat

Obvious – Laundry Flat

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AI, EPS, PNG, SVG, Iconjar, Figma, Sketch
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Hello! Welcome to our Special Collections:)

What makes these Icons Set special for You?

  • Designed for Mac and Windows users.
  • Neatly organized icon, file & layer structure.
  • Pixel perfect. Perfection in details and consistency.
  • Suitable for print, web, symbols, apps, & infographics.

Icons included: Automatic Wash, Beaker, Bleach, Bubbles, Chlorine, Clean Clothes, Cloth Steamer, Clothes Bag, Clothes Pegs, Coin Accepting Machine, Cotton, Cover for Clothes, Detergent, Dirty Spot, Dress is Drying, Dry Clean, Fabric Softener, Feather, Foam, Folded Clothes, Handwash, Hanger, Heating, Iron Board and Iron, Iron Board, Iron, Laundry Basket, Laundry Soap, Lavender, Liquid Soap, Pants are drying, Pwoder in Balls, Scale, Scoop, Shorts is Drying, Spin Clothes, Spray, T-Shirt is Drying, T-Shirt Stain, Temperature Scale, Tumble Dryer, Underwear is Drying, Van, Wachine Machine Drum, Waiting Area, Washbasin, Washer and Dryer, Washer, Washing Powder, Winterdyke.

You can edit it, change colors and modify the icon so easily according to your needs. So what are you waiting for?

Buy now and start using this awesome icon!

Thank you 🙂


kerismaker Creative Studio
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