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  7. Needo – User Experience

Needo – User Experience

File Type
AI, EPS, PNG, SVG, Iconjar, Figma, Sketch
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Hello! Welcome to our Special Collections:)

What makes these Icons Set special for You?

  • 100% editable vector.
  • Artboard size 48 x 48 pixel
  • Designed for Mac and Windows users.
  • Neatly organized icon, file & layer structure.
  • Pixel perfect, perfection in details and consistency.
  • Suitable for print, web, symbols, apps, & infographics.
  • File include: AI, Figma, Sketch, Iconjar, SVG, EPS, PNG, PDF

Icons included: Blue Print, Checklist, Coding Backend, Comparison, Data Result, Data Transfer, Dislike, Email, Favorite, Feedback, Flow Chart Web, Flow Chart, Global, High Ratings, Idea computer, Incognito Mode, Internet Network, Likes, List Favorite, Location navigation, Magnet Strenge, Medal, Negative Review, Password Security, Performance, Positive Review, Project Management, Prototype, Report Analyze, Report Data Statistic, Responsive, Review, Satisfaction Result, Satisfaction, Slide Bar Control, Slide, SSL Protection, Statistic, Story Board, Strategy, Thumbs Down, Thumbs up, UX Design Interface, UX website, Verified, Visibility Report, Web UI, Webflow, Webs, Website Setting.

You can edit it, change colors and modify the icon so easily according to your needs. So what are you waiting for?

Buy now and start using this awesome icon!

Thank you 🙂


kerismaker Creative Studio
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